Terrasoul Wholesale

Coffee Uplifts People (CUP) Cold Brew

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CUP Cold Brew

Imagine a slow bite into a honey lemon chocolate truffle with Cacao powder dusting, now instead of biting into it, we invite you to sip it.


Composed of a signature specialty blend of single origin Ethiopian and Peru Beans.  Our CUP classic Cold brew blend is full of robust and vibrant flavors from fresh medium roasted grade 1 Arabica beans.


Notes:  Cocoa, Honey, Citrus, Berr


How to Prepare the Cold Brew



  • CUP Cold Brew Blend
  • Water
  • Toddy or 5 Gal. Container
  • Filter



  1. Ratio: Great Cold Brew has a 1:1 ratio of lbs. of coffee to gallons of water (i.e. 5 lbs. of cold brew requires 5 gallons of water).
  2. Line your filter around inside of toddy to pour CUP Cold Brew blend directly into filter and tie filter with string
  3. Pour gallons of water over the sealed filter with enclosed CUP Cold Brew Blend. Note: The filter bag should be at a float in the water upon completion
  4. Cover the lid tightly on toddy or container and place in refrigerator to brew in the cold 18-24 hours for ideal taste. Less than 18 hours is more watery and more than 24 hours becomes more bitter.
  5. Drain cold brew from filter and allow the bag to slow drain of all cold brewed coffee within filter.
  6. Enjoy cold brew as desired.