Almost all multi-vitamins and Vitamin C supplements are made with synthetics (man-made), which are not as easy for our bodies to recognize or absorb. Natural Vitamin C can only be found in whole-foods and whole-food based supplements. We are not able to produce Vitamin C on our own, but it is an essential nutrient as it maintains cardiovascular health, promotes healing, boosts immune cell function, promotes skin health, and fights allergic reactions.
As the seasons change, so should your daily smoothie. Try this immunity focused, anti-inflammatory smoothie with Goji Berries, Ginger, and Turmeric:
2 cups frozen mango
1 cup orange juice or carrot juice
1 cup Coconut Water
3 tablespoons Goji Berries, soaked to soften
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1/2 teaspoon Ginger Powder
Sprinkle with Chia Seeds and enjoy :)