Kale Chips are the perfect, crowd-pleasing snack. We’ve bulked ours up a bit to ensure a myriad of essential vitamins, trace minerals, highly absorbable plant-based protein and healthy fats. A teaspoon of Spirulina would also be a great addition, as it pairs surprisingly well with “cheesy” flavors.
Cashews tend to make the best substitute for dairy in recipes, but pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, or a combination of all 3 would also be delicious.
This is a large, “family sized” batch of Kale Chips, which yields about 3 dehydrator trays. Feel free to halve if you don’t need as much, but they will go quickly!
Superfood Kale Chips
4 heads of kale, any variety, stems removed
3 cups Mylk Cashews or Whole Cashews, soaked
1 medium zucchini, chopped
½ red bell pepper (optional)
¾ cup lemon juice
¼ cup filtered water
¾ cup nutritional yeast
2 Medjool Dates, soaked (optional)
2 tablespoons White Chia Seeds
1 teaspoon of Turmeric Powder
2 tablespoons of white, yellow or chickpea miso
4 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons Himalayan Pink Salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper
2-3 tablespoons of Hemp Seeds
After thoroughly washing kale, tear into fairly large, rough pieces, and place in large mixing bowl.
Using a high-powered blender, combine all remaining ingredients except for hemp seeds and cracked pepper. This mixture should be mostly smooth, but as thick as possible in order to make sure it covers the kale effectively. If the mixture is too thin it won’t dry properly.
Pour mixture into bowl and massage into kale. You want them to well-covered and evenly coated.
Place evenly on dehydrator sheets and sprinkle with Hemp Seeds and a few turns of freshly cracked pepper. Dehydrate for at 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-12 hours until completely dry.